Wednesday, June 9, 2010

me... domesticated?

Today was Laundry Day here in our little apartment. Because we are poor freeloaders, we packed up our dirty laundry and hauled it to Cade's moms' house to spend the afternoon washing clothes.

While we were waiting for our clothes to finish, Cade treated me to my first hair cut since December! I had major anxiety about this for the past week because I couldn't decide whether or not I wanted to just trim my hair, or chop it all off. I'd been going to the same girl to get my hair done for the past 4 years or so, and I have only had bad experiences the few times I've strayed from her. I am sooo pleased with the way my hair turned out! I decided to get it short, because I can barely stand the heat here as it is, and everyone keeps telling me it's only gonna get hotter... so off with my hair!

Some random brand of hair dye was on sale at my work (CVS) last week so I dyed my hair dark dark brown. You can't really see much of a difference in the photos, but it's got less yucky random shades of blonde in it now. I like it!

I decided I'm going to try to make some real, honest homecooked meals more often, so I tried to make meatloaf for dinner tonight. I found a recipe online for bacon wrapped meatloaf, and I figured anything with bacon would be right up Cade's alley. Cade is the pickiest eater in the ENTIRE world, I swear to you. He does not like any fruits or vegetables at all. You can see where my frustration comes from. I used ground turkey to make the meatloaf in an effort to counteract the artery-clogging properties of the bacon. It turned out sooo good-- and Cade wanted seconds! I would have taken a picture, but it fell apart a little bit when I sliced it up and it didn't look very appetizing, but it was, I promise!
I adapted ours from this recipe, here.

After dinner I gave little Bean a bath. He loves getting baths, he just pretends to hate it :)
Is it bad that that the whole time I'm bathing him I am humming this song?

Here's a little video I made of Cade and Bean playing together yesterday:


  1. the video is not visible :'(

  2. aaww, bean! so cute. :) such a tiny bark!

    your hair looks great, love! <3

  3. thanks for the comment. i love your tattoos. they're gorgeous. i will have to get better pictures of mine to put on my blog. :)

    but follow me! i followed you! and grab my button!! i will do the same. i l-l-love your blog!!

  4. your hair is so pretty! it looks really awesome on you!

  5. awww that video is so cute!! I love love love your hair!!!!
    so pretty!

  6. omg i LOVE the new haircut! it suits you perfectly. i would love to chop off more of my hair, but i'm so used to having it long >_<

    the color looks great too :D

